John Estacio and I began working on our Bluenose musical in 2014.
The following is a list of the various public development stages along the way, with the names of the participants. All of these artists are a part of The Bluenose Musical Collective Royalty Pool.
Sheridan College, Summer 2014
The first stage of that development took place in the summer of 2014 as a part of a Sheridan College workshop program. The participants in that workshop were:
Laura Larson (Artist)
Lucas Popovitch (Artist)
Kabir Singh Shergill (Artist)
Allison Wither (Artist)
Michael Theriault (Guest Artist)
Michael Mulrooney (Musical Director)
Jen Shuber (Dramaturge, Associate Director)
Michael Rubinoff (Producer)
Studio Recording Session, January 2018
We recorded a number of Bluenose song demos at Canterbury Studios in Toronto. The participants were:
Michael Mulrooney (Musical Director, Piano)
Giustin MacLean (Piano)
Brittany Banks (Singer)
Jessie Cox (Singer)
Nicole Daley (Singer)
Kevin Forestell (Singer)
Laura Larson (Singer)
Doug MacNaughton (Singer)
Leah Oster (Singer)
Trevor Patt (Singer)
Iain Stewart (Singer)
Rob Torr (Singer)
Stephanie Wilson (Singer)
Allison Wither (Singer)
Adrian Zeyl (Singer)
Jeremy Darby (Recording Engineer)
Eastern Front Theatre, Stages Festival, Halifax, May 2018
In association with Eastern Front Theatre in Halifax, under the Artistic Direction of Sam Rosenthal, we did a two week workshop of the script and score, followed by a couple of Showcase performances as part of Eastern Front’s annual Stages Festival Of New Work. The participants were:
Kelin Boyd (Performer)
Geordie Brown (Performer)
Ursula Calder (Performer)
Virginia Cardinal (Performer)
Jeremy Foot (Performer)
Kyle Gillis (Performer)
Ian Gilmore (Performer)
Martha Irving (Performer)
David Keeley (Performer)
Laura Larson (Performer)
Amanda Mullally (Performer)
Ronald Newcombe (Performer)
Michelle Piller (Performer)
MacKenzie Sechi (Performer)
Jake Willett (Performer)
Giustin MacLean (Musical Director)
Christine Oakey (Stage Manager)
Garrett Barker (Designer)
Kate Barris (Associate Producer)
Sam Rosenthal (Director, EFT Artistic Director)
Toronto Workshop/Readings, July 31-August 2, 2018
Two script readings of a new draft, separated by a couple of days for rewrites, at the Toronto Operetta Theatre Rehearsal Space. The participants were:
Lesley Ballantyne (Performer)
Jessie Cox (Performer)
Laura Larson (Performer)
Charlotte Moore (Performer)
Mary Pitt (Performer)
Colin Simmons (Performer)
Stephen Sparks (Performer)
Jenny Weisz (Performer)
Stephanie Wilson (Performer)
Victor A. Young (Performer, Dramaturge)
Adrian Zeyl (Performer)
Sam Rosenthal (Consultant)
Jen Shuber (Consultant)
Kate Barris (Associate Producer)
Toronto Workshop/Showcase/Recording, Draft 5, November, 2019
A full read-through, sing-through Reading/Showcase for an invited audience, at the Toronto Operetta Theatre Rehearsal Space. The recordings were done at at Canterbury Studio. The participants were:
Brittany Banks (Performer)
Liz Beeler (Performer)
Nathan Carroll (Performer)
Lawrence Cotton (Performer)
Bruce Dow (Performer)
Donna Garner (Performer)
Sappho Hansen Smythe (Performer)
Robyn Harrison (Performer)
Maya Jenkins (Performer)
Jared Klein (Performer)
Julija Krisciunas (Performer)
Laura Larson (Performer)
Leah Oster (Performer)
Alex Panneton (Performer)
Lucas Popowich (Performer)
Stephen Sparks (Performer)
Josh Wiles (Performer)
Allison Wither (Performer)
Giustin MacLean (Musical Director)
Michael Mulrooney (Associate Musical Director)
Sam Rosenthal (Consultant)
Kate Barris (Associate Producer)
Jeremy Darby (Recording Engineer)
Zoom Script Reading, Draft 6B, April, 2020
A reading of the latest script Draft, done over Zoom because of COVID, allowing Jim & Kate to participate from New Zealand, John Estacio from Edmonton, and performers from Halifax, Lunenburg and Toronto. The participants were:
Brittany Banks (Performer)
Jamie Bradley (Performer)
Geordie Brown (Performer)
Stephen Findlay (Performer)
Donna Garner (Performer)
Martha Irving (Performer)
Jared Klein (Performer)
Laura Larson (Performer)
Duff MacDonald (Performer)
Charlotte Moore (Performer)
Michelle Piller (Performer)
Sam Rosenthal (Performer)
Stephen Sparks (Performer)
Josh Wiles (Performer)
Patrick Young (Performer)
Kate Barris (Associate Producer)
Zoom Script Reading, Draft 9A, January 2021
Another COVID Zoom reading of yet another new draft. The participants were:
Brittany Banks (Performer)
Bruce Dow (Performer)
Donna Garner (Performer)
Martha Irving (Performer)
Sterling Jarvis (Performer)
Jared Klein (Performer)
Laura Larson (Performer)
Charlotte Moore (Performer)
Michelle Piller (Performer)
Andrew Prashad (Performer)
Sam Rosenthal (Performer)
Stephen Sparks (Performer)
Josh Wiles (Performer)
Patrick Young (Performer)
Wesley Colford (Consultant)
Giustin MacLean (Consultant)
Michael Mulrooney (Consultant)
Kelly Robinson (Consultant)
Kate Barris (Associate Producer)
Zoom Script Reading, Draft 10C, March 14 2021
Yet another COVID Zoom reading of yet another new draft. The participants were:
Brittany Banks (Performer)
Dillan Chiblow (Performer)
Scott Hurst (Performer)
Sterling Jarvis (Performer)
Maya Jenkins (Performer)
Chilina Kennedy (Performer)
Laura Larson (Performer)
Charlotte Moore (Performer)
Lucas Popovitch (Performer)
Andrew Prashad (Performer)
Bobby Prochaska (Performer)
Vanessa Sears (Performer)
Stephen Sparks (Performer)
Josh Wiles (Performer)
Allison Wither (Performer)
Patrick Young (Performer)
Kate Barris (Associate Producer)